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5 Ways to Replace Your Roof on a Budget

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You’ve heard the horror stories before and may have even lived through many of them. Home improvement projects that are over time and way over budget. Even more horrifying is when home “necessity” projects have gone over time and over budget. Like that time your house unexpectedly needed to be replumbed because water filled your garage like a swimming pool or you’re A/C unit was irreparably broken and needed to be replaced in the middle of summer. In fact, many people put off a needed roof replacement because the process and costs seem so overwhelming. Fear not. We have provided some handy tips below to help you stay within your budget when the time comes to replace your roof.

1. Do Your Research

When you start considering a roof replacement, take the time to learn about the different types of roofing materials and decide which types of materials you would like to use. There are several different types of shingles and underlayments to choose from and each comes with their own set of pros, cons and price tags. Will you go with the asphalt shingles with the recommended synthetic underlayment or will you go with a tile roof and skimp on the underlayment (not recommended)? It is also important to figure out which style works for your home.

Finding a reputable, licensed roofing company is paramount. Research several companies and check their references. Find out how many years they have been in business, read their online reviews and check the Better Business Bureau to make sure they are accredited.

2. Get Several Estimates

It is important to get several estimates for comparison from the reputable roofing companies that you have researched. By obtaining several estimates, you can develop a much better idea of how much the project should cost. Start by figuring out what options you have in a particular price range and use this rough estimate to narrow down your search to a budget that works for you. You can also use the estimates to narrow down the contractor list.

3. Factor In The Unexpected

No matter how extensive the research and how reputable the roofing company you selected is, sometimes the unexpected happens. Unseen damage once the old roof is removed, such as a family of squirrels nesting under the tresses that will need to be trapped and relocated, mold, water damage, etc.

Unexpected events can occur during any project, so make sure to factor in an additional amount of money for any unforeseen costs and delays. If the project goes smoothly, you won’t have to spend this money, but it’s worthwhile to put it aside as a planned expense. The rule of thumb is to plan around 10% of the total expense for unexpected repairs.

4. Consider Financing

There are some instances where a roof replacement cannot wait due to unforeseen circumstances like damage sustained by severe weather. In these cases, the roof may need to be replaced immediately and you may need to consider financing your roof. Shop around for the best offers and lowest interest rates and have an action plan for doubling up on payments to pay off the roof sooner rather than later to avoid paying costly interest.

5. Avoid Last Minute Changes

Once you’ve set your budget based on an estimate from the roofing company you selected, unless you make changes, the estimate will likely be what you pay once the job is complete. Making last minute changes can blow your budget and cause costs to go through the roof (pun intended). It is best to trust your research and avoid switching to different materials or deviate from the plan in any way. The exception being if the contractor discovers damages during the project which need to be repaired.

As mentioned above, your budget should already have unexpected costs factored in so you are able to handle these changes without going over budget.

The safest and smartest way to replace your roof on a budget is to contact an experienced, licensed roofing company like Stratus Roofing. We are proud to be your trusted residential roofing and commercial roofing partner since 2004.  Find out how we can help you with your roofing needs by contacting us today:

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