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Roof Repair vs. Roof Replacement: 5 Deciding Factors to Consider

Roof - Roof shingle

Roof replacement is a big investment. Most homeowners and commercial property owners postpone roof replacement for as long as they can and struggle with the question of whether to repair or replace. The decision is most likely to stall out when the roof has reached the stage where it is starting to have problems but is not completely shot. Here are 5 factors to consider to help you decided whether to repair or replace your roof: 

1. Age

One of the most important considerations in deciding between repair and replacement is your roof’s age. Most roofs last about 20 years (this can vary depending on how well–or not–they are maintained during their lifespan). If your roof has watched two decades fly by, it is best to call a licensed roofing professional and discuss the possibility of replacement. If damages occur to your roof and they happen at the beginning or in the middle of your roof’s lifespan, repairing them might be a better option depending on the extent of the damage.

2. Repair Area

If a large area needs to be fixed, a roof replacement will be the better option as the cost of replacing the whole roof will be only slightly more than that of repairing the damaged area. A good rule of thumb is, if 30% or less of your roof needs to be fixed, choosing to repair may be the best option. Don’t forget to factor in the roof’s age when making the decision.

3. Leaks

If a roof is leaking in several places, a replacement may be needed. Have a reputable, licensed roofing company conduct an inspection to determine how extensive the issue is. If the leak is isolated, a repair may be all that is necessary.  

4. When You Are Planning To Sell Your Home

If you are planning to sell your home in the next few years it may make more sense to have repairs done if the roof is in otherwise good condition. If you are not planning to sell, now would be a good time to start budgeting and planning for your new roof so you are prepared to replace it before any major issues arise.  

5. Unexpected Costs

When considering roof replacement, remember to include unexpected costs. For example, your gutters may be in tip top shape but will need to be removed and replaced when your new roof is installed. There may also be more extensive damage than was not foreseen once the roof deck is exposed. Be sure to factor unexpected costs into your budget so that you are prepared should you go the new roof route

The safest and smartest way to decide whether to repair or replace your roof is to contact an experienced, licensed roofing company like Stratus Roofing. We are proud to be your trusted residential roofing and commercial roofing partner since 2004.  Find out how we can help you with your roofing needs by contacting us today:

Posted in #roofchat, blog, residential roofing, commercial roofing

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